Biden’s Incompetence Is Causing The US to Drift Apart From China

The US and China continue to drift apart. This is because the Biden administration isn’t improving the relationship between the two countries. The Trump administration was able to make progress… but the current administration has not been able to maintain that momentum.

As the two countries clash, the risk of a significant conflict erupts. We’ve seen:

The US has been growing closer to China in recent years, but this trend appears to be reversing. Today our country has become more distant because of the liberals’ leadership.

China Stops US Bid at UN Meeting

In a recent UN meeting, our country failed to give tougher sanctions on North Korea. This is because China and Russia vetoed together against the US’ decision.

Russia and China are two countries that have close ties to North Korea. Both said they would have preferred a non-binding statement.

Zhang Jun, China’s ambassador to the UN, said, “[The US] should not replace the one-sided emphasis on implementing sanctions alone. It should also work to promote the political solution.”

Then he added, “[Additional sanctions] will not help solve the problem. It will [also] lead to more negative effects and an escalation of confrontation.”

From the looks of it, China and Russia do not see the US as a threat anymore. It’s probably because Biden made our country too weak

China Condemns US Statement on Human Rights Violation

The Chinese foreign ministry released a statement condemning the US and New Zealand’s joint statement on human rights violations. 

The joint statement expressed “grave concerns” about human rights conditions. Specifically those in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Xinjiang.

Zhao Lijian, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, said the joint statement was unfairly critical of the Chinese government. They also believe that it seeks to agitate their internal affairs.

China Would Hurt the Global Economy More than Russia

Last month, Biden said the US would defend Taiwan if China invaded. Unfortunately, it only fueled tensions between the two countries. In response to Biden’s comments, China said it would conduct military drills near Taiwan.

If China were to attack Taiwan, the global economy would be worse off than if Russia invaded Ukraine. According to Reuters’ report from this June, it would cause a semiconductor shortage.

John Deng, Taipei’s top negotiator, said, “The disruption to international supply chains; disruption on the international economic order; and the chance to grow would be much, much [more] significant than this one. There would be a worldwide shortage of supply.”

Deng also mentioned that many countries rely on semiconductors made in Taiwan. These are used to manufacture technologies such as electric vehicles and mobile phones. Last year, Taiwan’s chip exports totaled $118 billion. Around 40% of those exports went to China.

Biden’s meddling with Taiwan only triggered China to be more cautious. The sad part is that America isn’t strong enough to help Taiwan… because our country can’t even help Ukraine properly.

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